We Create is a community-based arts action group, a creative, collaborative partnership between Hardwick Gallery at the University of Gloucestershire and residents of St Peter’s and St Paul’s working together to share time, skills and resources to connect people and engage in everyday creativity. Read more
We are currently working on a community land-art project on St Paul’s Road that aims to transform a small plot of land for the benefit of pollinators. There has been a dramatic decline in pollinating insects in the last 40 years due to habitat loss, pesticide use, invasive species and climate disruption. We have established bee hives managed by local apiarist Nathan Wylam and we are working to increase the diversity of forage over time.
Our project, Bees In Common, has enabled us to observe the hive and bee colony as a dynamic expression of ecosystem building. During March-June 2025 we are organising an exhibition at The Wilson Art Gallery & Museum in Cheltenham. We Create have re-imagined The Wilson as a hive and its galleries supporting cells of activity where we have organised elements in an exhibition that reflects collective action and creative co-operation.
Read about our lockdown project, the Mudlarking community newspaper here, and check out our community garden project, Field Fare here. The group meets every few months to discuss current projects and make plans for future arts activity. If you live, work or study in St Peter’s or St Paul’s or you’re connected to the area, get in touch to see how you can get involved. Contact us

Get your copies of Mudlarking!
All issues of Mudlarking community newspaper are available *for free* from We Create - email hello@we-create.org.uk to put in your order for any of the six editions. Let us know what you think!