Creative Enterprise Programme
Arts & Community Fundraising
Rachel Dobbs
Autumn 2020
As part of the Creative Enterprise Programme, We Create are offering free places for arts and community fundraising online training workshop with artist and educator Rachel Dobbs (access anytime), and a live online Question & Answer session to discuss your ideas and next steps facilitated by experienced fundraisers with up to 20 participants. The recorded workshop will provide key information and top tips for thinking about Arts & Community fundraising. It will help get you started creating your own fundraising strategy for community-based projects, and will explore how you find the resources to make things happen.
This training is ideal for first-time fundraisers for creative or community projects, or for people with some experience of managing arts projects who are looking to improve their fundraising skills. We Create previously ran this session in November 2019.
Booking priority will be given to members of the Creative Network and residents of St Peter’s/St Paul’s but the workshops are also open to arts/craftspeople with a connection to the area. Please register your interest by 30 September 2020 by emailing WeCreate.Cheltenham@gmail.com. The Q&A session will run in the autumn.
These places are valued at £30 each and we ask that if you're not able to undertake the session that you let us know so that your place can be offered to someone else. We Create thank our funders Arts Council England, National Lottery Community Fund, and the University of Gloucestershire for their generous support.
Rachel Dobbs and participants at Hardwick Gallery, November 2019
Creative Enterprise Workshops
Rachel Dobbs
05-09 November 2019
Hardwick Campus
Join We Create for a series of free Creative Enterprise workshops with artist and educator Rachel Dobbs. These workshops will provide insights into a range of essential skills to develop your creative practice and arts projects, from self-employment to running events and workshops, via fundraising and social media. Refreshments will be provided.
Booking priority will be given to members of the Creative Network and residents of St Peter’s/St Paul’s but the workshops are also open to arts/craftspeople with a connection to the area. Please read through the programme below and book your place by visiting https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/rachel-dobbs-creative-enterprise-programme-tickets-74420835723 - you will select the date of the workshop and click 'register'. Alternatively you can email wecreate.cheltenham@gmail.com and let us know which workshop(s) you're interested in.
All sessions will take place at Hardwick Gallery, which is fully accessible. If you have any access requirements please email hardwickgallery@glos.ac.uk to see if we can assist.
05/11/2019 1-5pm
How to run workshops and arts courses
Workshop focus
Identifying your skills & workshop themes
Planning a workshop session or short course
Practicalities - venue, ticketing & insurance
Finding your audience & getting people to turn up!
Who is this for?
First time creative workshop leaders
Early career creative or community practitioners who are beginning to develop their own arts or community projects
Mid-career creative or community practitioners who may have been involved in arts & creative workshop delivery but have not run workshops or short courses themselves before
Those with some existing experience of developing or managing arts or creative workshops who are looking to improve their planning & recruitment skills
SOME EXPERIENCE NECESSARY - to get the most from this workshop, you will need to have either some initial ideas for arts or creative workshops you wish to develop, or have an emerging or
established creative or community practice.
06/11/2019 1-5pm
Arts and Community Fundraising: A Quick Start Guide
Workshop focus
Building Your Fundraising Strategy
Setting Clear Aims & Objectives For Your Project
Identifying The “Need” As Your Starting Point
Finding The Right Funders For Your Project
How To Tell Your Fundraising Story
Who is this for?
First time fundraisers for creative or community projects
Early career creative or community practitioners who are beginning to develop their own arts or community projects
Mid-career creative or community practitioners who may have been involved in fundraising for arts or community projects but have not fundraised for projects themselves before
Those with some existing experience of developing or managing arts or community projects who are looking to improve their fundraising skills
SOME EXPERIENCE NECESSARY - to get the most from this workshop, you will need to have either some initial ideas for arts or community projects you wish to develop, or have an emerging or established creative or community practice.
07/11/2019 6-9pm
Crowdfunding: A Quick Start Guide
Workshop focus
Understanding How & When To Raise Money Through Crowdfunding
Developing Your Crowdfunding Project Idea & Rewards
Developing your “Crowd”
How To Fund in 48 Hours
Who is this for?
First time crowdfunders for creative or community projects
Early career creative or community practitioners who are beginning to develop their own arts or community projects
Mid-career creative or community practitioners who may have been involved in fundraising for arts or community projects but have not managed crowdfunding projects themselves
Those with some existing experience of developing or managing arts or community crowdfunding projects who are looking to improve their fundraising skills
SOME EXPERIENCE NECESSARY - to get the most from this workshop, you will need to have either some initial ideas for arts or community projects you wish to develop, or have an emerging or established creative or community practice.
08/11/2019 1-5pm
Running Arts & Community Events: A Quick Start Guide
Workshop focus
Developing Ideas For Events & Activities
Identifying & Reaching Your Audience
Event Planning & Management
Preparing Budgets & Working Out Who Pays For It All
Evaluating Your Events
Who is this for?
First time event organisers for creative or community projects
Early career creative or community practitioners who are beginning to develop their own arts or community events
Mid-career creative or community practitioners who may have been involved in running events for arts or community projects but have not managed this process themselves
Those with some existing experience of developing or managing arts or community events who are looking to improve their fundraising skills
SOME EXPERIENCE NECESSARY - to get the most from this workshop, you will need to have either some initial ideas for arts or community projects you wish to develop, or have an emerging or established creative or community practice.
09/11/2019 10am-4pm
Being Really Good at Being Self-Employed
Workshop focus
Self Employment & Freelancing
Pricing Your Work & Your Time
Developing Your Skills & Setting up a Small Business
Portfolio Working & Managing Your Time
Who is this for?
First time freelancers involved in creative roles (artists, designers, producers, arts education, etc.)
Early career creative freelancers who are beginning to develop their own self employed practice
Those with some existing experience of working freelance who are looking to improve their knowledge & understanding of self employment and developing these skills
SOME EXPERIENCE NECESSARY - to get the most from this workshop, you will need to have either some initial ideas for setting yourself up as a creative freelancer, or have an emerging or established creative freelance practice.
All enquiries to:
This programme is supported by Arts Council England, the National Lottery Community Fund and the University of Gloucestershire